
Showing posts from September, 2018
A few more items. Heres the story on the hummingbird painting:   I was inspired to paint this after my first year of feeding these magical little fairies, I mean birds. It amazes me that they fly back and forth to Mexico all alone each year. This must be one of the animal kingdoms greatest feats! The painting is meant to portray a female ruby red throat hummingbird as she flies on her long migratory journey over Mexico. It was started over two years ago when I had to put it away after completing only the hummingbird. A couple of  days ago I was finally able to finish up the background and it was so fun and hopefully synchronistic for me - finally getting to the point on my journey where I can find time to draw and paint, something that has often seemed to be an unobtainable goal. Feel free to comment or critique. I'd actually like any opinions on the composition or otherwise (especially if constructive) More about the other paintings soon!  I've spent so muc